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May 17, 2023

Ozymandias - a biodiversity knowledge graph

Ozymandias is a proof-of-concept biodiversity knowledge graph by Rod Page @rdmpage.

Page RDM. 2019. Ozymandias: a biodiversity knowledge graph. PeerJ 7:e6739 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.6739
The core of this knowledge graph is a classification of animals from the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) combined with data on taxonomic names and publications from the Australian Faunal Directory (AFD). This has been enhanced by adding lots of digital identifiers (such as DOIs) to the publications and, where possible, full text either as PDFs or as page scans from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) (provided via BioStor). Identifiers enable us to further grow the knowledge graph, for example by adding "cites" and "cited by" links between publications (data from CrossRef), and displaying figures from the Biodiversity Literature Repository (BLR).